Friday, June 10, 2011

Global Warming: Truth Or Fiction

              Ever since the topic of global warming became a serious view in the public eye, people have blamed this theory for a seeming yearly increase in natural disasters. So the question is global warming a legit problem or does our planet just go through heating and cooling phases.
             The first view I'll share is global warming theory. This theory explains how greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, CFC'S, etc) will melt ice glaciers, causing the sea levels to rise. The major worry is Greenland melting because it is all fresh water.
            People whom believe we are just in heating phase are more science based using actual recorded data unlike global warming supporters who use projected data. These scientist use history to say that earth has had extreme heating years and ice ages.
          My belief is we are causing the earth to heat up because of the charts show that at the beginning of the industrial revolution till now our average air temperate has sky rocketed. However our planet is a tough one and has counter balanced itself before.


  1. i am unsure. i had someone do a report on this topic and i still am not won over. I just don't really know.

  2. I’m not really sure either, what the scientist are saying does make sense. But really all the pollution is probably not helping either though...
